Friday, April 13, 2007


when did it become about more than just the music?? the moment that you wrote lyrics that seems like you give a shit. after looking at a lot of band websites and blogs and myspace and what not, i noticed something that's different from the big bands and one of my favorite hardcore bands from hong kong, king ly chee ( the big bands talk about themselves, but king ly chee's website is socially aware as well as talking about themselves.
hardcore and punk aren't just about music. if you're in a band and you think it's just about what you sing, then you should sing about different things. hardcore and punk is about speaking against injustice, not just through music but by anyway you can. unfortunately, most people who listen to music either don't read the lyrics or don't understand them. if a song is speaking out about a specific issue, then explain it and encourage your listeners to also voice against it. music isn't always about having fun.
i'm getting tired of band sites where the journals and blogs are only about what the band is doing like shows, recording, and random fun/stupid shit. i think fans would really appreciate to know what their favorite band believes in. and when that happens, i believe that listeners can enjoy the music even more. remember, punk and hardcore is a rebellion movement, not a musical fad. punkers are the originators of "sticking it to the man". but that's not rebelling for rebellion sake. be socially aware, and if the authority is doing something that you don't think is right, say something. how are your listeners gonna speak out with you unless they know what they're rebelling against??

don't just let your music sell because you have good sounding shit, but also let it sell because of what you have to say isn't just bullshit.
as someone said not too long ago, "you're not hardcore unless you live hardcore". yeah, you're not hardcore just because you sound and look hardcore. if you're gonna be a hardcore or punk band, know what you're getting yourselves into.

so same to listeners of punk/hardcore. read lyrics. try to understand what bands are saying. actually, this goes with any style of music. some lyrics may sound deep but are empty, while some lyrics may be simple, but are probably speaking truth that most people just forget. truth becomes cliche when people stop believing in it.

enough for now. ciao yall.